Original Skin - David Mark

01 January 2001

Detectives come in all shapes and sizes, but they probably don’t come much bigger than David Mark’s giant DS Aector McAvoy. In Original Skin…

The Intel: JR Carroll

01 January 2001

We love writers here - east, west, north and south. JR Carroll was born and raised in Melbourne, where he still lives. He worked as a teacher…

Writers' Events Round-up!

01 January 2001

Hey, you writery type—isn’t it time you got out of the house? Don’t get me wrong, I love what you’ve done with the place. What colour do…

The Intel: Duncan Jepson

01 January 2001

We love writers here. They’re busy people, but they just gotta write. Duncan Jepson is the award-winning director and producer of five feature…

An Act Of Kindness - Barbara Nadel

01 January 2001

Mr. Hammett and Mr. Chandler famously took crime out of the drawing room and gave it to the kind of people, at the bottom of the ladder, who really…

Radio & Event Crime Log: Hove, Payment

01 January 2001

That Saharan sand is blowing across the country right now, making itself very unwelcome inside your lungs. One way to ensure you get some fresh…

Crime Book Log: Nesbø, Connolly, Coben, Lackberg

01 January 2001

With Easter approaching, some of writing big guns are cranking out product. Big product. Here are some shiny new hardbacks that are coming out on…

The Intel: Mike Ripley

01 January 2001

Beloved characters never really die. Albert Campion appeared in 22 novels and short story collections, written by Margery Allingham. The…

TV Crime Log: Fargo, Jamaica

01 January 2001

You’d expect Easter to deliver up some televisual goodies, and next weekend duly serves up the beginning of two very different crime series.…

The Intel: Anna Smith

01 January 2001

With Easter done and dusted, you’ll be relieved to know that Crime Thriller Fella is back, so we can all get back to the really important…

The Killing Season - Mason Cross

01 January 2001

I sit in a hotel room in a catatonic state – waiting for the phone to ring. Bring, bring. When I pick it up a voice asks: ‘Have you ever…

Event News: CrimeFest Nominations

01 January 2001

You may have already have seen this on Uncle Tom Cobley’s Crime Blog - let’s face it, you’re usually way ahead of me on these things - but…