Miami Blues - Charles Willeford

01 January 2001

The other day we were contemplating all the other jobs that authors do in order that they can get on with the important business of writing.…

Crime Thriller Book Log: Billingham, Deaver, Harper and Ryan

01 January 2001

Last week publishers cleared the decks for fear of getting lost in the wake of the marketing juggernaut that was Dan Brown‘s Inferno, but there…

Crime Thriller Movie Log: Fast, Liability

01 January 2001

As the summer rolls reluctantly into view, the movies get louder and dumber. This weekend’s big release, for example. Check this out:…

Crime News: Exquisite, Dagger

01 January 2001

Here’s your chance to get involved in a new crowd-sourced murder-mystery novel. Every Monday at 11am, from June to August, a new chapter of…

Crime Thriller Book Log: King, Jardine, Mosley, James

01 January 2001

Hello, everybody. You may not be overly surprised to know that some new books came out this week. First up, there’s a new Stephen King, out…

Review: The Distinguished Assassin - Nick Taussig

01 January 2001

The Distinguished Assassin is a novel about an unlikely assassin during one of the most-terrible periods in Russian history. Behold the glorious…

The Intel: Chris Allen

01 January 2001

I love finding out about how writers toil at the coal-face. Earlier in the week, we reviewed Chris Allen‘s crash-bang action novel, Defender, and…

Review: Defender (Intrepid 1) - Chris Allen

01 January 2001

You’re on the beach beneath a hot sun, you’ve just slapped on some Factor 50 and you’re enjoying the cool condensation from a bottle of beer…

The Intel: Dominic Ranger

01 January 2001

Dominic Ranger’s thriller Midas is available now from Amazon. Here’s the blurb: When a bankrupt and soon to be divorced Alan Marks visits an…

Crime Thriller Book Log: Mina, Mackay, Dunne & Slaughter

01 January 2001

It may not surprise you to know that there were some books published this week. Some crime thriller books. I’m going to tell you about four of…

Criminal Minds: Edgar Allan Poe

01 January 2001

Edgar Allan Poe is regarded as one of the inventors of detective fiction. His character of C. Auguste Dupin was a direct forerunner of Sherlock…

Crime Thriller Movie Log: Frozen, Eden, Easy

01 January 2001

Before we go any further, congratulations to Denise Mina, who has won the Theakstons Old Peculiar Crime Novel of the Year Award for the second year…